Welcome To TGEMRS |
Education has been a key factor for all-round development of any group of people. Education is not only promoting integration of the communities with mainstream of nation but also facilities protection from all kinds of exploitation and helps in adoption to the changing life styles. |
In pursuance of the Article-46 of the constitutional obligation, the central govt. as well as the state governments has laid much emphasis on the spread of education in tribal areas. |
So, an initiative has been taken in educational development engender for Establishment of Model Residential Schools introduced during 1997-98 to provide quality education for the tribal students. |
t was decided by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to utilize a part of the funds under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution, for setting up of 100 Model Residential Schools from Class VI to XII in different tribal concentrated States of the country. |
Features Of The Software |
Profiles of Students, Teachers and Parents. |
Society Calendar and School Calendar. |
Students and Teachers Attendance |
SMS to Parents and Staff of schools |
Lesson and Activity Plans for every subject and class. |
Marks entry for all the subjects for all tests. |
Progress Cards and Consolidated Reports |
Dashboard for Principals to easily assess the weak and bright spots. |
MANAGEMENT Dashboard for complete analysis. |